Where's the "other" conferences?

by Nate Stokes
(Albuquerque, NM)

In all your sports you list only 6 conferences in your ratings. Where are the other five Division 1 conferences? Or do you have us believe that leagues like the MWC are not among the top 6 ranked in ANY aports??

Come on! This is dishonest. To shut out the other conferences in football is par for the course in America these days, but why do you have to shut them all out in every other "non-revenue" sport that exists (volleyball, soccer, golf etc)? Oh by the way, you skipped the sports that the SEC doesn't compete in (Wrestling).

Nate Stokes
Born in Iowa, raised in New Mexico.
BA U of NM Lobos
MA U of Ok Sooners

Hawkeye fan my whole life!

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Mar 20, 2012
by: Mo Johnson

Hi Nate, actually I'd love to cover every team in every conference, it's really a time issue and makes sense to limit to the BCS conferences -- since that's the biggest thing in college sports, certainly for the SEC.

But, if you ever want to send me a review or opinion piece on any other team or conference, I assure you I'll be very happy to publish it and if it's good to promote it too! Just use the comment form, linked to at the bottom of each page.

Thanks for reading and your comments.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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