Where Does War Eagle Come From?

by Confused

If It is Auburn Tigers! Where does War Eagles come from?

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Oct 09, 2010
by: auburngirl1980

The mythical War Eagle I has the most colorful story of all of the "War Eagles". War Eagle I's story begins in the Civil War. According to the legend, a soldier from Alabama was the sole Confederate survivor of a bloody battle. Stumbling across the battlefield, he came across a wounded young eagle. The bird was named Anvre, and was cared for and nursed back to health by the soldier. Several years later the soldier, a former Auburn student, returned to college as a faculty member, bringing the bird with him. For years both were a familiar sight on campus and at events. On the day of Auburn's first football game in 1892 against the University of Georgia, the aged eagle broke away from his master during the game and began to circle the field, exciting the fans. But at the end of the game, with Auburn victorious, the eagle fell to the ground and died.

This legend was originally published in 1960 in the Auburn Plainsman and was conceived by then-editor Jim Phillips. Though apocryphal, this tale is most often told as the beginning of the association of "War Eagle" with Auburn.

Oct 23, 2010
Enough "WarEagle", where's the Tiger from?
by: Anonymous

Everywhere you look at Auburn football history you find the story of the War Eagle. I have never found out the story of why or when Auburn adopted the Tiger for a mascot. I know Missouri and LSU both have Civil War ties for their nickname, and have been using the Tiger mascot since the late 1800s. All I know about Auburn's Tiger is that Aubie showed up in 1979. What's the history here?

Nov 14, 2010
by: Jeff

I came to the site with the same question..where does War Eagle come from if they are tigers?

Aug 28, 2012
Auburn Tigers
by: Anonymous

The nickname for the Auburn Tigers comes from a verse in a 1770 poem titled, "The Deserted Village," which was penned by Oliver Goldsmith. A passage reads, "where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey." The poem also mentions that "Sweet Auburn" is the "loveliest village of the plain."

Read more from original site: http://www.secsportsfan.com/auburn-tigers-football-history.html#ixzz24rFLV5Fp

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