When did college football become a "conference" thing?

by Gator - ADE
(St Petersburg)

I was under the impression that when you liked a team, you liked that team? Its one thing to say, "my team didn't make the big bowl game, but I like this other team cause I'm from there," but to spend hours tracking stats to show that your "conference" is good?

I love college football, but I don't like guys riding coat tales of other teams like they have been a fan of that team for life because they are a part of the SEC. Just the other day I was talkin to a buddy of mine and he said (about my Florida Gators) "I hope we do it again this year!" I looked at him and said, "I thought you were a Georgia fan?" He said, "I am, but I just want to make sure that the SEC is still top dog."

What do I care about Georgia? I'm not going to pretend to like them, Bama, LSU, or any other team that does well just because they are in the "SEC."

SEC fan we need to do a gut check. We are startin to sound like them wack jobs in the Pac 10 that hang on everything USC does. Support your team!

You don't need to talk about who the best conference is, just watch the games and be happy when you win...

Heck, I still can't believe a Georgia fan was trying to steal my team's thunder like he's been with us all year. Its just embarassing!

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Aug 24, 2010
SEC fans are a joke...
by: Anonymous

They have so little going for them down South that they have to root for the WHOLE conference. That way, when their team stinks, they can stand up and say, 'hey, I'm a winner!' when someone else in the conference wins...

I've never heard fans from other conferences cheer with the conference acronym like the jerks from the 'SEC', 'SEC', 'SEC'... what a joke

Sep 24, 2010
heard of pride
by: Anonymous

Its pretty simple actually. I went to UK, i'm a UK fan, and I cheer for UK no matter what team they are playing, SEC or non. But when UK isn't playing, I would rather an SEC school win, why?, because it shows how strong our conference is. I would never become a UT fan, but if UT was playing Ohio State, I would pull for UT, not really that much to think about. We take care of our own. But let me guess, your probably not from Florida, nor attended school there, or anything else, you just like Florida.

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