What Does Best All Time Mean?

by cfbexpert

I was looking for different info and stumbled here. i am suprised it wasnt an all sec homer site. the info seems to be correct from what i have researched over the years. when researching i go to the individual college websites. i figure the universities would know more about the football program they fund, create, and support than some homer websites.

i noticed something about greatest football teams of all time and found oklahoma's 1956 team as 8th....

Here is my question. is the 1956 ou team thought to be the 8th best team ever in the sense if you lined them up with ou 2009 team the 56 team would win the game (a lot of size and speed differential)or is the 56 team who went 31-0 with its seniors thought of as being the 8th most dominant team of any era? im not sure what to make of the rankings. ou 1956 team seniors went undefeated in 1954,1955, and 1956.....freshmen were ineligible in that era to play.

if the rankings are for an individual year i would think ou defeating notre dame 40-0 (notre dames worst home loss ever) defeating texas something like 45-0 and nebraska 54-6 would have to be pretty dominating. i am aware those teams were down that particular year but all 3 have pretty much been top 10 all time programs from the beginning. only game ou had that was somewhat close was a 27-19 win at colorado. colorado would win the orange bowl that year. ou was ineligible since the conference didnt allow programs to go to 2 straight bowl games. i think iowa st stayed within 25 of ou for its 2nd closest game.

anyway thought i would comment and let you know i like what i have read so far.

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May 27, 2010
What "Best All Time" Means
by: Mo Johnson

Hey CFB -- you raise a good issue. I guess best all time means different things to different people. To me, it doesn't mean which team would beat which on the field today. The game changes all the time, the equipment, the rules, the size and speed of the players -- even the schemes. And, generally speaking, all that stuff is "improving" and getting better all the time. That's why people make changes. So, i think whether one team or another would win on the field today vs the other -- it's something to consider and a factor, but not the main one.

The main factor, to me, in establishing "best all time" is to compare the teams and what they did in their time. That's the only way to be fair to the teams in the past. So, if a team went 12-0 in 1936, generally speaking, that's better than a team that went 11-1 in 2009. And so forth.

Of course there are unusual circumstances that warrant going outside the general rule. If that 11-1 team happened to play the toughest schedule ever and only lost that one game on a bad call -- well, ok,

we can talk about that. and that's what makes "best all time" discussions interesting and more art than science.

anyway, thanks for your comments. I'm curious what others think about what "best all time" means.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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