Unbiased Football Fan-- Bud Wilkinson Best Ever

by Wentworth Compton
(St. Louis, MO)

I am a huge college football fan, and I found many holes in your argument that Bear Bryant is the greatest college coach of all time. Although I agree he is the most recognizable and most name worthy.

I feel you are making a major mistake by not at least mentioning Bud Wilkinson. No coach as ever exemplified dominance in the way that coach Wilkinson did during his tenure as the Oklahoma head coach. Never mind the fact his sooners coached teams have the longest winning streak in college football history at 47.

But just two years prior to that streak his sooner team had a 31 game winning streak, at the time the second longest of all time. In 18 years as the sooner head coach he had 6 undefeated seasons and three national championships. He should of had more but unfortunately the biased media of the time felt a one loss Army team or Notre Dame was better than an undefeated sooner team (little has changed in 50 years of college football).

But what is most impressive about coach Wilkinson.......HE NEVER LOST A CONFERENCE GAME IN OVER 11 SEASONS. No coach can possibly hold a candle to what coach Wilkinson created at Oklahoma.

A dynasty that is still strong even today. He put Oklahoma Football on the map and its been there ever since. With all due respect to Bear Bryant, he can't even come close to any of these unprecedented marks.

Bear Bryant coached twice as long as coach Wilkinson and had much more time to accumulate his lofty records and accolades, but if you compare the two unbiasely head to head during their peak times as coaches, there really is no comparison. Coach Wilkinson much like many of his teams stands alone in stature.

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Jul 27, 2009
No College or Coach Can Compare
by: JJ Utah

Wilkinson's Sooners had the longest streak in college football it was broken by Larry Kehres and Mount Union twice - 54 in row, 1 loss and than 55 in a row.

10 National Titles since 1993, 10-2 overall record in title games, since 1985- 20 playoff appearances

Career coaching record of 275-21-3 (1986-Present)= .925 winning %.

As for conference titles/games without a loss - 17 consecutive Ohio Athletic Conference titles

No college or coach comes close to this!

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