Trust in Bobby Petrino?

by Hogfan23

Do you trust in Bobby Petrino enough for the Arkansas Razorbacks to win the Sugar Bowl against Ohio State? He has certain character flaws that we saw when he left the Atlanta Falcons that make him such a man that is not to be a leader.

Should he be trusted to be a leader of these young men? Well, so far he has had no problems in Arkansas that we know of, but can we be sure that he is being the type of person that we should trust with young people. These are just kids. They are in college, they are not professionals. They are still in school and trying to learn and going on to live lives in the world, not always professional football.

I see this man coaching in college and he seems to have the respect of his players and they seem to love him and it makes me wonder how he could have done what he did in Atlanta. He just left one night. It's not just the players he left there without much notice, it was the coaches who had to try to find other jobs or whatever. This was just a heinous act that should have never happened.

I truly hope he has changed his ways and has learned from his mistakes. I know that we all make mistakes and all have moments when the grass is greener and have to do what is best for ourselves or our own families, but should we have proper notice of leave before we do such things.

We really need to change the way we look at these things, but so far Petrino has handled himself in a good manner with the Hogs and they have had far fewer incidents with him than in the years leading up to his entry and Coach Nutt's leaving.

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Dec 13, 2010
Give Bobby Petrino a Break
by: Anonymous

I have to wonder sometimes what makes people think the way they do. For 3 years now I have heard what a terrible thing Coach Petrino did. He went to a pro team because of the unmatched ability he showed as a coach in college. He goes to Atlanta, goes through the Vick thing and leaves.

The pro thing your talking about for the most part is BS. Here is dog murdering Vick getting cheered by BS fans all over the place and Petrino get called bad for not staying and wasting his and everyone else's time.

He comes back and does what he does best and he's the bad guy. I don't hear anyone talking about Nick Sabin. He left the pro's as well after realizing he was best suited for college. Because he's at Bama?

The fact Petrino saw the writing on the wall and is a perfect fit at Arkansas seems to make a lot of people mad. Of coarse in 3 years he took a program that was left blank when When Nutt left and all his super under classmen went to the pro's.

Now in that 3 years he and the Hogs are in the Sugar BCS and 2nd place overall in the toughest conference in college football. Because of him now Arkansas is one of the top 10 coaching jobs in the country. Do I trust him as a coach of our young people? Certainly as much as anyone else in this business. How manny coach's today wouldn't leave where they are for a big raise? Not many I've seen. This is a business and winning is how we keep score.

Look at Urben Meyer who has 27 arrests on players. Do we trust him to mold our kids? I think he is one of the best and you can't blame him for everything that happens to the kids in the program.

Point of all of this, I think anyone else would have left the Falcons if they had been in his spot. And it is great for college football that he is back doing what he does best!

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