Trailer Parks Per Capita in SEC Cities?

(Decatur, AL)

I have a question that I can't seem to find the straight up data on.

I am doing a parallel on Auburn and Alabama fans and why Auburn fans refer to Bama fans as Redneck. Every blog, sports site, and commentary there is always the avid Auburn fan that will refer to their instate rivalry and fan base as a bunch of rednecks. I have decided to take what the average misinformed person considers redneck and compare the stats between the schools. Since the mobile home subject is always topic of conversation...

what I want to know is this
"Is there any place I can find black and white hard facts on Mobile Home Housing in each of the College Cities? It can be a per Capita basis or average or just straight up like census numbers. Does anyone know where I could locate that information?

You can email me personally at or or leave it in a comment here. I appreciate any help or suggestions you can offer.


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Jan 24, 2012
Trailer parks
by: bob

According to the 2005 census, it was bama and mississippi, so basically the entire state of bama are a bunch of rednecks in trailers.

Jun 18, 2012
More rednecks in Aubarn than T-Town
by: Anonymous

First and foremost, Aubarn is a redneck college so they have absolutely NO ROOM to talk when it comes to whose fanbase is more trashier than the other. Aubarn is an ag-school that houses students in trailer parks; endorses rodeos, mud riding events and country music concerts for its students; and contains on campus cow pastures, barns, chicken houses and a bovine research center. Not to mention Aubarn is way more appealing to rednecks than T-Town is (due to Aubarn being a small, backwoods town while Tuscaloosa is a diverse, urban city). UA on the other hand, consistently produces politicians/governors, business men and women, successful authors and journalists, Pulitzer Prize winners, doctors, psychologists, etc., while Aubarn is known for farmers, tomato planters, tractor drivers and engineers (I'll give them that one). The old saying goes "If you want to work on the farm, attend Aubarn; if you want to own the farm, attend Alabama".

And if you want to get technical, UA has produced MORE GRADS over the years than Aubarn has and currently has a larger student body. In about two more years, UA will have 10,000 more students than Aubarn.

So next time an Aubarn fan calls someone a redneck (oh the irony), show them this site:

Or this article:

Jul 23, 2012
In reponse to auburn being more redneck.
by: Anonymous

Two things first. You state auburn is more redneck than Alabama because bama had more graduates? That's because the requirement to attend the school are less strict at bama. Thus meaning it's easier to have more graduates. The average entering freshman at auburn has a higher high school gpa then bamas. These two things alone discredit your ideological argument. Secondly, let's not miss interpret the question. It was why are Alabama fans considered rednecks by auburn fans. This is because 60% of Alabama fans have zero ties to the school. More than half of them have never been to tuscaloser and more than half of them have never attended a game. So realistically our problem is with your fan base is not necessarily your school it's your fan base that have nothing to do with the school.

Jul 23, 2012
by: Anonymous


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