Tough But Good Advice for Tennessee Baseball Coach Todd Raleigh

by Ken Simonson
(Cleveland Tennessee)

Coach: First, focus on building the team around strong, young Tennessee baseball talent. Become aware of the current stud pitchers and position players that currently play in the state of TN. Look at the strong select teams and the players who help them dominate their tournaments.

Get out and go to the Annual Knoxville Stars Tournament and see who the rising stars are in the local area. Most importantly, don't lose local talent to schools like LSU, Miss. State, Georgia etc. because you were to lazy to get off your butt and go to some youth select tournaments.

USSSA State is also another great way to see who the best players are in the state of TN. If you dont start early you are going to lose the recruiting battle with rival SEC schools. All great teams are built with youth from within.

Open your eyes and get out and see some of the top players in the state. Find out who they are now. I want Tennessee Baseball UT Vols to win a National Championship in the near future. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

So Coach Todd Raleigh go earn your keep or continue to lose games and maybe your job. The choice is yours. Make it now!

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Dec 07, 2009
U T Baseball Program
by: Anonymous

I have to say I agree with the article. It is a little abrasive but direct to the point. Losing games and losing stud players to other SEC schools is a sure way to get fired. I am tired of watching mediocre teams that dont even qualify for College World Series tournament. Being a bottom feeder Mr. Raliegh will not be tolerated for long. Remember you are in the SEC not a Division 2 or 3 program. Are there some great players in the state that we are losing to other schools??? If you value your job at all you better put a winning program together soon!!! U T baseball has not been good sice the days of Todd Helton. Figure it out Todd.

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