Time for a College Football Championship Tournament

by Amy
(Atlanta, GA)

I think it's pretty darn hard to argue that the Big 10 is anywhere near the Football conference as the SEC is right now. No one who isn't a die-hard Big 10 fan would even consider the Big 10 the second toughest conference. Most would count the Big 12 or Pac 10 ahead of them.

That said, the real losers of last night's matchup were the other 2 loss teams who didn't get a fair hearing on whether they should be the national champions. We know LSU can beat OSU. But what about Kansas, Georgia, USC and West Virginia? In my opinion, OSU stole the title game spot from more deserving, more seasoned, and more challenged teams due to their weak schedule.

So what's the solution? A championship tournament. I fully support UGA President Adams' proposal, and most of the SEC fans I know do as well. If the Big 10 wants to be taken seriously in the future, it's time to get on the playoff bandwagon as well and make sure that our next national championship features the top 2 teams of the land.

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Jan 11, 2008
Agree -- Time for a CFB NC
by: Mo


Great post, thanks! In fact, it's the "Submission of the Month" for January. You can see it highlighted at SEC Sports Fan Forum. Let us know if you want a free SEC Sports Fan T-Shirt.

Of course, we heartily agree with you that it's time to get a college football playoff system. In fact, we have written several articles about it; the most recent being College Football Playoff.

Thanks again for the articulate post.

Nov 29, 2011
by: GO BIG BLUE!!!!

Most definitely agreed

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