The SEC is NOT overrated

by Tom

I enjoyed reading the article posted above. Not sure how long it will still be "current" news. But, the title is "College Football: Why the SEC Is Absolutely Not Overated."

I totally agree. It seems like the mainstream opinion on national sports sites -- like -- is that the SEC is overrated. This article does a great job of documenting why SEC football is the best college football anywhere.

It showed that the SEC has the best record against the other major conferences; the best all-time bowl record; the best BCS championship record; the highest fan attendance; the highest TV ratings; and probably the most money earned.

The only conference even close, for the most part, is the Big Ten. And, we all saw what happened the last two years when we had SEC vs Big Ten matchups in the College Football and Basketball championship games.

Everyone knows about the top teams in the SEC -- LSU, Florida, Georgia, Auburn, Tennessee, etc. But the SEC really distinguishes itself with its bottom teams. They are all good.

Traditional SEC doormats Kentucky and Miss. State both made bowl games this year. But, how bout South Carolina and even Vandy. Both ended up about .500 and within one win of making bowl games. Even the last place team in the SEC -- Ole Miss -- who didn't win even one conference game all year -- even the Rebs were tough. I can vouch for that as my MSU Bulldogs had to pull out a miracle rally to beat them.

Anyway, no doubt, the SEC is #1 and I enjoyed reading that article about it. Thanks for hosting it on the site.

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Jan 31, 2008
You're right about 2 things
by: Mo Johnson

Tom -- you're right on both counts.

1. The SEC is #1 and

2. The Big Ten is #2 (at least in football -- when you consider all the factors).

Of course this is the fuel that rages the great debate at SEC vs Big Ten Debate.

Thanks for your comments.

Feb 01, 2008
SEC is the best
by: David

The SEC is the best football conference, no doubt. I grew up a Husker and enjoyed many years where the Big 8 (predecessor to today's Big 12) was the best. Nothing was more sweet than seeing 1-2-3 in our conference in 1971 (Nebraska, Oklahoma, Colorado) sweep 1-2-3 in the national rankings.

But today's dominance belongs to the SEC. The Big 12 is clearly 2nd to the SEC in football but, SEC is and has been number 1 for I'd say at least the last decade or more.

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