Thanks To Ed Bengston

by Arnold E. Metz, Jr.
(Charleston, SC, USA)

I knew Ed Bengston while I was a high school student in St. Clair, Michigan. Mr. Bengston, a transplanted Bostonian, led our high school (a very small school) to several state championships in gymnastics in addition to teaching physical education and was admired by all. Tough love was his credo and his athletes responded with stellar performances.

I assume that continued at Auburn. Seems as though the athletic department didn't appreciate what they had if he was dismissed after pioneering the program and leading it to an overall winning record at that. I hope he is still living and has returned to his beloved Northeast.

Mr. Bengston, if you read this, thank you for your tough love when I needed it.

Arnold E. Metz, Jr., M.A., PA-C
Assistant Professor

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