Taxpayer Subsidies For Professional Sports Owners and Players

by Mo

I think it's outrageous that taxpayers are now expected to foot the bill for new stadiums, luxury skyboxes, etc.

What's that about? Think about it.

What's happening is regular people like you and me are paying taxes so that filthy rich owners don't have to pay for the stadiums their teams play in.

Oh, and the owners raise the ticket prices through the roof to boot. So, we pay twice.

And, the players benefit too as you can see from their astronomical salaries.

It's crazy. Insane. Nuts.

What should we do?

Two things:

  1. Agree that us fans will never pay more than $50 for a regular seat. (Let the fat cats pay whatever they want for their skyboxes.)

  2. Pass a law prohibiting taxpayer support for professional sports teams and stadiums. Tax money should be spent for schools and public services. Not pro sports. A law is required so that everyone abides. Otherwise, the owners will just move their team to some other city that will buy them a new stadium. As has happened too often in the past.

If they need to cut back a bit on their profits and salaries to make ends meet -- I really don't feel bad.

I'm not stupid and realize neither of the above 2 things are likely to happen. But, hey, at least I've tried.

And, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Let us know what you think. Thanks.

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Jun 04, 2010
To Much Money in College Football
by: Mo

A similar sentiment is expressed at

Enough is More than enough.

College Football decisions now based more on money than on solid football rationale.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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