SEC vs Big Ten -- point, counterpoint

by michael

The SEC is, from top to bottom, the better of the two conferences. I am big enough to admit that as an Ohio State fan from the Columbus area.

However, I now live in South Carolina and am sick of hearing about the decline of the Big Ten. I understand that we got embarrassed last year in the National Championship game but as a fan who watched every game OSU played last year I was stunned at how poorly we played and don't feel that it was indicative of the strength of the team.

Hopefully the upcoming game against LSU will validate that point. Also, how do you reconcile the fact that Wisconsin beat Arkansas last year and still say that the Big Ten is terrible?

My point is that for every point there seems to be a counterpoint.

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Dec 23, 2008
Good point
by: TX resident

It's clear that the best team of SEC was better than OSU the past two years but does that validate an entire conference? I'm sick of people talking about the depth of the SEC. I happen to think that FLA is the best team I've seen this year but.....

Bama was good
Georgia was vastly overrated
LSU is ordinary

And when I watch the rest of the conference including SC, Auburn, Vandy, Ark, etc. I just see a bunch of football teams that look like the mid tier or bottom tier of the Big 10 or any other conference.

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