SEC pads their numbers

by Tim
(Las Vegas)

The only thing the above numbers show, is how dillusional SEC fans, administrators, and the conference as whole truly is.

What the numbers don't show is that year in and year out, the SEC schedules the easiest 4 game out of conference schedule than anyone else.

Secondly, the SEC "powerhouses" generally schedule their cupcakes at the end of hte season, when all of the other conferences are beating each other up and moving down in the polls, the SEC conference teams move up in the polls EVERY YEAR at the end of the year, because teams like Alabama play Chattanooga kindergartners at the end of the season.

This is why the SEC always has more teams ranked in the top 25 at the end of the year. They pretty much guarantee themselves 4 wins at the end of the year when the rankings matter the most. So the bottom line is this, yes even though you have the largest conference and you cover more states, you get more teams into bowl games every year because all you have to do, is win 2 conference games and you are in a bowl game.

My next point of contention, is the fact that the SEC "powerhouses" play a minimum of 7 home games every year (the number is usually 8 but I am giving you a break here). If Oregon played 8 home games a year, they would be in a major bowl game each and every year. The SEC conference is a punk conference because they choose not to play anyone substantial.

Occasionally you will get a team to play a BCS conference team, but for the most part, you beat up on the weakest of hte congratulations.

The NCAA needs to make it mandatory that if you are in an automatically qualifying conference, that your OOC games are against automatic qualifying conferences. If that happens, watch the end results to the mighty SEC bowl and head-to-head scorecard.

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Dec 08, 2010
You couldnt be more wrong
by: Vurbano

Oregon, TSU, Boise State and etc couldn't finish at .500 if they played everyone in the SEC. Likewise, The ACC champion, VT couldnt finsh at .500 either. I have no problem with a team that plays Georgia, Florida, Alabama, LSU Arkansas, Auburn and South Carolina scheduling one or two easy games. So what. Its better than an entire season of Patsys with only one game against a powerhouse. That is how these schools like VT get into the top 10 occasionally. They roll the dice ONCE a year and then play a bunch of pushovers in every other game and whine if they do not play in the BCS championship.Heck even Bobby Bowden at FSU knew that and admitted he didnt want to join the SEC because they just beat each other up. He had a much better chance in an EASY conference

Jan 11, 2011
The Hate is Strong in this one
by: Anonymous

Facts are simple, you are clearly a Pac10 fan, and ya really hate that the SEC has won the last 5 national championships. Still, people will cry and whine saying the SEC isnt the best. What in the WORLD does the SEC need to do, if winning 5 straight championships, to get respect from the fans of the weaker conferences. Not only that, but they won the championship with 4! different teams, so you can't say "oh well they were the USC of the SEC and had one team dominate".

By the way, it is insane to say that the SEC should have to play AQ teams and get no cupcake teams. If the SEC actually followed through on that, the SEC every year, would take the top 12 strength of schedule placings. SEC is by far the hardest place to win, so why add onto a already brutal schedule?

PLEASE, PLEASE lord let these haters see, send USC, oregon, Oregon state, Cal, ANY "top" Pac10 team to the SEC for one season, tell me they dont come home with a 7-5 record or less... Facts are simple, SEC is the premier conference these days.
I just dont get it how people can say such stupid things...

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