SEC in For a Shock...Maybe

by Kala

All bets are off for the National Championship. Nobody, but nobody, but nobody can effectively predict who will win it, especially since neither team has ever won a National Championship.

Still, as the SEC has proved time and time again, they are the conference to beat. So many hate the SEC because they are better, tougher and faster. When any other conference has more Championships than the SEC, I will be happy to concede they are better.

Don't get me wrong. I hate Auburn almost as much as I hate Tennessee, and I HATE Cam Newton. I guess it's not hard to tell I'm a Bama Fan :-) But nonetheless, should Auburn win this BCS Championship game, how will two Heismans and two BCS Championships two years in a row look for my home, Alabama?

So, I will pull for Auburn for this one game, and any other game they play against any non-SEC opponent. The same goes for Tennessee *shudder*, because I am an SEC fan above all other conferences.

To those who say that their conference of choice is disrespected, you gotta give respect to get it.

To those who say that their conference is better than mine, I'll believe it when I see it. Step up and prove it. Yes, I'm talking to the Pac-10. If Oregon defeats Auburn, does that mean the Pac-10 is better than the SEC? NEGATIVE. They still have 12 championships to catch up.

How many BCS championships has the Pac-10 won? 4. How many BCS championships has the SEC won IN A ROW? 4, but the grand total of National Championships is 17. My 3 yr old niece and nephew could do this math.

Really it all comes down to this - who has Oregon played and who has Auburn played? Whether Pac-10 fans will admit it or not, Oregon's schedule pales in comparison to Auburn's.

If a die-hard Alabama fan is giving Auburn props, there's a good chance you should pay attention.

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Dec 29, 2010
Understand and agree
by: MSlay

I am A Hog fan first and forever, but The SEC is home to the best in all of college football. It really doesn't matter who rises to the top each year, (HOGS and Auburn this year, Alabama and Florids last year) the Sec rules. Most teams in a bowl, most bowl wins in a year and most BCS champions! Pretty much say's it all!

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