SEC go play up North

by Steven

I know that it's not going to happen, I would love to see some of these SEC teams to go on up to OSU, PSU, MICH, or even Illinois during some of the winter months.

They might hold an advantage over the Big Ten in bowl games, however look where they are played.

They are normally in FL, GA, LA, TX, AZ, and CA. The Big Ten is always going to be at a disadvantage. I would love to see the Big 10's #1 vs SEC's #1 in the Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan.

Oh well.....

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Apr 24, 2008

Play here and we can win. Please. Cleveland, Detriot, and other crappy places smell and are an eye sore. Please cuz stop with the if crap. If the Big 10 had fast players, if the big 10 had talent, if the big 10 played a real schedule. Playing Akron, Bowling Green, Kent St. and others is just stupid. OSU only played one team worth a darn an it was raped by USC. Illinos. OSU lost at HOME. Please. Playing in a crappy cold climite is just stupid.

May 17, 2008
Same thing for playing in the southern heat.
by: Anonymous

I can appreciate the fact that southerners could have a problem with extreme cold/snow etc in the north. But, unless you have experienced the extreme heat we play in during the early part of the season, you did not look at the complete picture when comparing "playing conditions". Games played in Aug & Sept with the field temps hovering in the 100 deg+ range with 90% humidity make you wish you could drive north just to get up to where Hell is.

No one here really believes OSU doesn't belong with the elite programs, the SEC has just been incredibly strong and competitive the last several years. Geaux TIGERS!

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