SEC Expansion -- Houston?

by UH Fan
(Houston, TX)

The next round of conference expansion will be here soon. Maybe it is time for the SEC to give serious consideration to the issues of expansion. Yes, the league is as close to perfect as a league can be ... today. But Time and Tide wait for no man and the SEC has an opportunity to be proactive in the next round.

Last summer the SEC had serious talks with Texas A&M. That has opened the door. Bringing the state of Texas into the conference makes good sense and should be given serious consideration.

Did you know that Houston is the largest city in the SOUTH? Not Atlanta; HOUSTON. Indeed it is. Culturally and geographically East Texas is Southern to the core.

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Feb 04, 2011
What they should do...
by: Anonymous

I think the SEC should bring in Clemson, Miami, and Florida State and maybe get rid of Kentucky and send them to the Big East or Big Ten or something. Makes more sense geographically.

Feb 10, 2011
SEC Expansion
by: Kavin Caruso

I don't agree with the idea of University of Houston to join the SEC. Why? Well for one thing, Texas is in the Southwest part of U.S. Two, it really doesn't make sense. Three, well Houston doesn't score a lot of fan base. I mean, Texas draws more fans to their games than Houston. U of Houston is not a big powerhouse school. If the SEC wants to expand, maybe they should look at UCF. UCF is getting a lot of attention, plus it's in the SEC area. Another school is South Florida, they were having a banner season just a couple of seasons ago.
Both schools are in Florida and it MAKES SENSE.
I live in Georgia a long time. I've always thought maybe Georgia Southern should move up, but I don't think that would happen.
Going back to the idea, I still think it will look bad for the SEC to have U of Houston joining the SEC. I think Houston should join the Big 12, that makes geographically more sense.

Aug 04, 2011
SEC Expansion
by: Anonymous

sKavin you make good points and in the world of college football that existed up until, well until the world stopped existing, I would not argue with you. However, as far as Texas being in the "southwest", that is a big "yes, but.." proposition. As noted in the original comment, Texas is actually several geographical regions. The Eastern part of the state is geographically as much in the South as Georgia. In fact, as noted, Houston is the LARGEST CITY IN THE SOUTH. Period.

Moreover, the SEC itself opened up this possibility by entertaining serious expansion talks with Texas A&M, so that cat is out of the bag. As for the fan base of the University of Houston, the school has been in limbo since the breakup of the Southwest Conference. But when UH was in the old SWC it drew well playing the state schools, UT and A&M. Moreover, UH will draw a very decent fan base playing the state schools of the SEC. The school has literally had to pull itself up by the bootstraps since it lacks the funding of a BCS league, and it has done pretty well under this limitation.

Finally, UH's games with SEC schools can be moved to Reliant Stadium and will accommodate 70,000 fans. Virtually every SEC school has a large fan base in the Houston area and home game attendance would give SEC schools a very good venue for recruiting in Texas, which virtually all do now anyway.

Aug 04, 2011
by: Kavin Caruso

You're right, University of Houston would fit in the Big 12 because of geographically. Now if the SEC took away Kentucky, the conference won't be that strong in basketball.
The SEC is known for football, and while teams like Kentucky and Vandy don't strive, they have to have enough schools to get revenue money.
Like the ACC, they are a basketball conference, but football, that conference only does well because of FSU, Miami, and VT
There have been talks of Clemson joining the SEC because of good rivalries.
I don't know if there is going to be any changes in the near future.

Aug 26, 2013
by: Frederick Campana

It would work and would be a great investment. UH was left out of the Big 12 for strategic reasons. For 19 years it was in the SWC and were conference champions more than 20% of the time.

UH is in the Big 12's top recruiting grounds and can add those players that A&M now does not get that end up going to UT, OU, OSU, and Baylor. The SEC does not want UT. They were a cancer to the Big 12 and would only bring that to the SEC.

Truth is the fans of Houston know that every time UH produces something other schools in the Big 12 take it away. Coach, players, ect. So there is no reason to get all excited about it. Being in the SEC the Big 12 could no longer do that.

Football and Basketball would rise at UH if in a conference like the SEC and they would grow to be competitive. The revenue would increase for the overall conference because UH would be in a conference where it would not need to rebuild itself every few years.

Plus they have the infrastructure at their disposal to have big games and the large television market would get behind them if in the SEC.

Jan 12, 2015
Houston a great fit for SEC.
by: Anonymous

For Frederick Campana : Go for it. Enjoyed your comments. UH is truly a sleeping giant

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