SEC copyrights - grocery stores

I have gatherings for every football game. I go all out with decorating. The grocery store informed me that I can no longer get Alabama decorated food. The SEC would not allow it. I am very upset, along with the hundreds of people that attend my gatherings. I understand copyrights. But why can't the SEC allow the grocery stores to pay for the rights? Any thoughts?

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Aug 03, 2014
SEC Copyrights
by: Mo JOhnson

Hi, GREAT comment. In my opinion it's ridiculous and sad that the SEC apparently requires people who want to decorate cakes with team names, logos, etc to pay them for that privilege.

I say "people" because that's really who would pay -- if the grocery store went to the time, trouble and expense to obtain a license from the SEC to allow them to do it. Of course the costs would be added to the price of the cakes and you would be paying.

This is a big problem all across the sports world as increasingly sports organizations like the NFL and SEC -- who are already quite wealthy -- move to squeeze ever more money from the fans.

To answer your question, I am CERTAIN the SEC would be happy to "allow" the grocery store to pay them for the right to put their logo on cakes they decorate. That's not the problem.

The problem is that it would cost the store a lot of time and money to get that authorization. Also, I don't know the particulars in this case, but I suspect the SEC might require a minimum payment. They don't like dealing with mom and pop stores that promise to send in a few bucks, maybe....

Instead, they want to deal with big boys who will pay lots up front and take the risk that maybe they won't make it back later. A small outfit can't afford to do that.

We've considered selling SEC related merchandise on this website and just gave up on the idea. It's too difficult and costly to get a license and then you have to worry if you will ever make a profit from selling.

Anyway, here's what I think the SEC, NFL and other similar organizations should do:

They should simply exempt small operations. Say your organization has sales under 10 million a year. Or, maybe even 1 million a year. Heck, in my case it could be much less than even that.

That way, we can freely try different things out and if they work -- then -- we start to generate sales and then we'd be happy to pay the SEC, NFL, etc a cut of it.

It seems that would be good for everyone.

As it is, we (the small guys) are cut off at the knees before ever getting to try.

And the big fat wealthy organizations continue to get bigger and fatter.

Well, that's what I think about it. Thanks again for the comments.

(Note: I am a fan -- obviously -- of the SEC. But, with this particular issue, you have a struck a nerve with me. Sorry, no cake for you and no t-shirt sales for me.)

Aug 04, 2014
SEC Copyrights
by: Mo

Hi, GREAT comment. In my opinion it's ridiculous and sad that the SEC apparently requires people who want to decorate cakes with team names, logos, etc to pay them for that privilege.

I say "people" because that's really who would pay -- if the grocery store went to the time, trouble and expense to obtain a license from the SEC to allow them to do it. Of course the costs would be added to the price of the cakes and you would be paying.

This is a big problem all across the sports world as increasingly sports organizations like the NFL and SEC -- who are already quite wealthy -- move to squeeze ever more money from the fans.

To answer your question, I am CERTAIN the SEC would be happy to "allow" the grocery store to pay them for the right to put their logo on cakes they decorate. That's not the problem.

The problem is that it would cost the store a lot of time and money to get that authorization. Also, I don't know the particulars in this case, but I suspect the SEC might require a minimum payment. They don't like dealing with mom and pop stores that promise to send in a few bucks, maybe....

Instead, they want to deal with big boys who will pay lots up front and take the risk that maybe they won't make it back later. A small outfit can't afford to do that.

We've considered selling SEC related merchandise on this website and just gave up on the idea. It's too difficult and costly to get a license and then you have to worry if you will ever make a profit from selling.

Anyway, here's what I think the SEC, NFL and other similar organizations should do:

They should simply exempt small operations. Say your organization has sales under 10 million a year. Or, maybe even 1 million a year. Heck, in my case it could be much less than even that.

That way, we can freely try different things out and if they work -- then -- we start to generate sales and then we'd be happy to pay the SEC, NFL, etc a cut of it.

It seems that would be good for everyone.

As it is, we (the small guys) are cut off at the knees before ever getting to try.

And the big fat wealthy organizations continue to get bigger and fatter.

Well, that's what I think about it. Thanks again for the comments.

(Note: I am a fan -- obviously -- of the SEC. But, with this particular issue, you have a struck a nerve with me. Sorry, no cake for you and no t-shirt sales for me.)

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