SEC Cheerleaders are the Best!

by LeftyS
(Minnesota )

Tennessee Vols Cheerleader In Air

Tennessee Vols Cheerleader In Air

Back in my college days we read Plato's Republic and learned of the great love the ancient Greeks had for beauty as well as sports. It was all part of their sense of balance and proportion - the idea that beauty is in contrast with and a necessary balance to the beast in sports or combat. This sense remains well represented today in the SEC. That is, that while we have the very best in sports in our conference, we have the very best in beauty as well.

While all the NCAA conferences have beautiful cheerleaders to grace the game every autumn afternoon, none can approach the beauty and gracefulness of SEC cheerleaders. Sports websites such as ESPN, Fox, CBS, and others often present photos of cheerleaders. Voters are given the opportunity to determine which are the most beautiful and graceful. Invariably, it is the SEC cheergirls who win those polls.

No, it is not just the outward appearance that makes these girls into winners. Instead, it is the wholesomeness and good character that is very evident in the photos. True beauty is internal, not external. SEC cheerleaders embody all that is truly beautiful in young women today.

Back in my school days, the Beach Boys sang a popular song called "California Girls" in which they praised the great attributes of young women in their state. I would not dispute the fact that girls there have always been praiseworthy.

But if Brian Wilson was to view photos of cheerleaders today, I am convinced even he would have to concede that none approach the beauty, gracefulness, and most importantly, the wholesomeness of SEC girls. How blessed we are to have these beauties in our conference!!

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Aug 01, 2011
Good post.
by: John

Good post. If you are looking to buy new cheerleading apparels and other cheerleading accessories just visit Dancecheer where you can find all cheerleading apparels at discounted prices.

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