SEC Bias -- Look at ACC vs SEC Head to Head

This is the dumbest page I have ever seen. Let's look at only the stats that make the SEC look good.

Compare the ACC v. SEC head-to-head record (7-5) -- that is the stat that matters.

Editor's Note:

Thanks for the comment -- and the stat. If you spend some time on this site, you will come to agree that we are fair because we are happy to include any stats or arguments anyone wants to make. Even if they call our page "dumb" as you did.

We've even changed our opinion when new facts presented to us warrant it.

So, thanks for the Stat and your argument. Obviously, there are tons of statistics to consider when forming an opinion. Based on all the stats and facts, we stand by our opinion in this case -- at this time.

But, you are certainly free to disagree. No problem at all. Hope you come back and contribute more.


Comments for SEC Bias -- Look at ACC vs SEC Head to Head

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Mar 17, 2008
Watch basketball much?
by: Say what??

The official RPI of the ACC as a whole is number one, while the "mighty" sec's is fourth. Im not sure where your basis of ranking the SEC ahead of the ACC, PAC10, Big10 and Big East but i sure hope its not based upon the fact that the worst team in your league won your conference tourney.
Your overall strength of schedule is laughable at fifth best among all conferences. Eight of the top 31 toughest schedules are owned by ACC schools while only 3 of these belong to the SEC. Kudos to UT for stepping out and playing a grueling schedule, maybe the rest of the conference should take note from UT and grow a pair. Ole Priss reaps what it sewed, played one tough non conf game to bulk up its record in hopes of getting to the Ncaa tourney off a "couple" conference victorys.
In closing, regards to Uga for doing the improbable and winning 4 games in a row against average to below average teams to get into the big dance.

Editors Note:Thanks for noting that Tennessee had the toughest schedule/RPI in the country. I guess March Madness will be the ultimate test. We'll see...

Nov 17, 2009
by: Tyler Dudley


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