'Phant'Rant -- Bama Football

by Tanner
(New Orleans, LA)

Bama football has been a tradition in my family for the past 3 or 4 generations. Me? I'm only 15. I'm a sophomore in high school in New Orleans.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. How can you live in Louisiana and not be a LSU fan? Well believe me, I've caught my fair share of trash talking from all the LSU fans here, and every time, I reply with the same thing. IT IS A PROCESS!!! You give Saban 5 years, and he'll give you a national championship.

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Dec 27, 2007
You're right!
by: Mo Johnson

Tanner -- I like your comment that building a powerhouse college football program is a "process." You are dead on. There are so many pieces to put together as far as the right staff, players, systems, training. It doesn't happen fast. Don't think I could have understood that at 15 -- so congrats on your insight.

And, I also agree with you that Saban will get it done within 5 years. He, and Bama, showed a lot of promise early in the year. Something went wrong, i'm not sure what. but, he'll learn from it and fix it. Bama will get there.

But, there will never be another dynasty in the SEC like the old Bear Bryant teams. Just too much great talent in the SEC for that to happen.

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