PAC-10 vs SEC Baseball

by Benny

The funny thing about this is you guys actually appear serious that the SEC is better than the pac-10.

NCAA titles

Pac-10 - 26
SEC - 6

Last SEC title (2000), last pac-10 title (2007)

Six different pac-10 teams (ASU, UA, USC, Cal, Stanford, and OSU) have also won the title while LSU has five of the six SEC titles. And every pac-10 team that has won it has done so at least twice.

CWS records all time

Pac-10 - 231-139
SEC - 88-104

That's not a misprint. The conference you guys are calling the "best" conference does actually have a losing CWS record)

You guys also like to skip the recent head to head where the pac-10 has clearly had the upper hand

2008 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (9-5)
2007 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (10-5)
2006 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (9-6)
2005 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (4-4)
2004 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (4-5)
2003 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (2-0)
2002 - Pac-10 vs SEC record (5-0)

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Sep 13, 2011
Where do you get your numbers ?
by: Anonymous

As you spout off about PAC 10 numbers. And SEC numbers. You list the SEC with 6 National Championships ? You are the one who needs to recount.

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