Oregon Will Upset Auburn 41-21

by Nathan

In my opinion, Oregon wins this game and it could get a bit out of hand. Oregon has all the tools; speed, power, NFL talent, a pro-style offense and a great coaching staff. In this game, Auburn will stop Oregon the first time or two, but after the Ducks get settled the offense will get rolling and will not stop.

As for Auburn, this team narrowly escaped being defeated several times this year. So, the question is which team will show up and is Auburn as good as advertised? If, and I should actually say when, Auburn falls behind in this game, they will not be able to overcome Oregon’s aggressive and relentless offense.

Look for the game to be even for a the first seven or eight minutes, perhaps at 7-7, but when Oregon begins to roll, the final score will be somewhere around 41-21.

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Dec 20, 2010
I guess it will be an "upset" when Oregon wins
by: LJ

Crazy that Auburn is ranked ahead of Oregon in favored in the NC game. Oregon has pretty much blown out everyone while Auburn was lucky to win a couple of it's games.

Oh well, the college bowl games this year have a new feel for Oregon fans. Their ducks are going to the national title game game for the first time in over 130 years. The season began great for the Ducks. Oregon quickly ran up score boards in their first 4 games and were averaging better than 50 points per game. And, the Ducks defense was also able to create a ton of great plays and stops.

It's new day for college football, go Oregon, Go Pac-10!

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