Nebraska 1995 -- Wins All-Time Tournament

by Mo Johnson

Pat Premo has an interesting college football board game where teams from different eras play against each other. He recently conducted a tournament and in the end, in that tournament, the top eight schools in Major College Football history are as follows:

1. 1995 Nebraska
2. 1895 Penn
3. 2005 Texas
4. 1917 Georgia Tech
5. 1944 Army
6. 1889 Princeton
7. 2001 Miami, FL
8. 1886 Yale

You can read more about it (as well as find out how other College Football Division tournaments turned out) in the February 2009 issue of The College Football Historian.

You can find a pdf of that newsletter at College Football Association.

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Apr 09, 2011
All time crock
by: Anonymous

Aint no team from pre 1950 could play with the 1980's and beyond...athletes are too big, strong, and fast. 2001 Canes were awsome, but give me the 83 Canes; just ask Big Red. Talent was still unknown, and they played with no fear

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