Michael Phelps Best All-Time Athlete

by Lisa B.
(Baltimore, MD)

Gotta say, not only is Michael Phelps the best swimmer ever; he's the best athlete in the world of sports -- in history.

I know a good case can be made for Tiger and MJ (Michael Jordan) -- but first of all, it's still debatable whether Tiger is even the best all time in golf. There are Nicklaus and Arnie fans who would argue with you.

Same thing with Jordan, although there's probably more of a consensus about him being the best b-ball player ever.

But, NO ONE doubts that Phelps is the greatest swimmer ever. And, it's worth mentioning that swimming requires a skill that is not naturally human. Humans were not built to be swimmers. We don't have gills, etc.

Jordan and Tiger accomplished things on land. Phelps did it in an almost inhuman place -- in the water!

And, he did it much more quickly than they did.

Anyway, Phelps has got to be the best athlete ever.

Oh, and he's a hometown boy. Go MP!

Thanks Lisa, good points. You can read more about Michael Jordan at Best All-Time NBA Basketball Player and about Nicklaus and Palmer at Best All-Time Golfer.


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