Methods Which Will Help to Bettors Make a Winning Bets

Every popular bookmaker doesn't announce how many of his clients are successful. But it is a well-known fact that most clients have a sad statistic. They lose more than they win. At the same time, everyone can become a successful bettor. Though, it is not so easy, as we want.

Arbitrage betting strategy

The most available method which doesn't demand from bettor any serious analytical skills is bets by the arbitrage betting strategy. This method means comparison of bookmaker lines. I.e. you ought to find the noticeable different multipliers to the results of the same match. The difference in coefficients allows to make sure-fire bets.

You make W1 stake on the one popular bookmaker website then you make W2 bets on another website and then you make entry to the draw on the third website. The winning final result covers the losses of the both losing stakes and even brings the profit.

For understanding if the coefficients of these bookmaker form the arbitrage betting you should divide 1 to the sum of these coefficients. If you get a result less than 1 it is a classic arbitrage betting. The smaller result the bigger profit.

Of course, if we are speaking about small size bets the final financial result will hardly pay back the time which bettor will have spent to find the appropriate conditions. Notice that arbitrage stakes in the hot sport events are almost impossible because every office set the similar coefficients which make this strategy senseless.

In any case, the user will spend a lot of time before he finds the significant difference in multiplier.

Finance management

The success depends from the quality of the finance management. Unsystematic waste of money to the sport events when the gambler doesn't understand them is the straight way to the deposit loss.

It is better when the user has an idea in advance how many entries and of which size he can make while he is playing in the popular bookmaker via Internet. He should also know what he will do if he starts to lose or win on the contrary.

The size of the stakes is determined not only due to the multipliers of the strategy but also with due regard for the bettor's balance.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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