Make a simple Big 10 vs SEC chart

by Richie

Here is what someone needs to do, but not me. Rather then all of these paragraphs and arguments quoting numbers of who has won what and when and arguing about who is better and what conference wins more every year ....I have a simple solution.

A person needs to make an SEC vs Big 10 list chart of every year of college football games between the Big 10 and the SEC. Show the teams, show the results, at the end of each year, add up the wins and losses. Then make a second part too that showing the SEC vs Big Ten in just the bowl game match ups and at the end, add them up again year by year with a grand total at the bottom.

As the chart progresses you can show as the records of each team progresses against the teams in the other conference as well. Then you will have hard core win loss proof as to who has won what and when.

It doesnt matter if a team left a conference or came to one later. If they were in one of the said conferences it counts in the years they were in it or since they joined.

Just simple, this year this is who played who and this is the results and so on and so on. Then add it all up. That way it can be looked at year by year, decade by decade, team by team and be easier to break down stats and win percentage and when certain people were at each school or who was coach then as well to be able to follow trends.

Then someone can say....who won more games from 76-84....well let me check the chart. Who has won more of the bowl games in the matchups for the last 10 years.....well let me check the chart.

Plain and simple, but time consuming.

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Jan 08, 2008
Big 10 vs. SEC
by: Anonymous

bowl games in the BCS era starting in 1998, Big 10 14 wins SEC 13!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 08, 2008
SEC vs Big Ten Chart
by: Mo

Richie -- sweet idea! If anyone out there wants to do the work -- I promise I will post it (with whatever credit you want) on our SEC vs Big Ten football page -- which is the #1 page on the web for that issue. I'd love it, and appreciate the work. Use our contact form if anyone is interested.

Jan 10, 2008
by: Anonymous


Jan 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

The chart idea might be the way to go. I have tried to research this very subject. Every website has a different answer. I have seen the Big Ten leading the BCS games 18-14 and 16-15. I have also seen tied at 17 wins each. I also see crazy numbers where the SEC is ahead in the all time record 35-22 and I have seen the Big Ten is ahead 97-78 all time. There is no consistant place to keep track so I think this is a wonderful idea

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