LSU Shouldn't be in the National Championship

by Shane
(Norman, Oklahoma US)

I dont think LSU deserves to be in the national championship game. If they are so good why don't they beat all the teams they play by a good margin? I think the national championship game this year should of been either OSU and OU or OSU and VT. They acutally beat teams by a good margin.

I agree that the SEC is a tough conference but what about the other confrences? The Big 12 had at least 3 teams in the top 5. LSU was the only team in the top 5 from the SEC that i know of. But we can't do anything about it now it's done and over with.

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Dec 10, 2007
sooner fan
by: Anonymous

ur only saying this because u are a sooner fan. if u were a tiger fan...yer tone would be different

Dec 26, 2007
by: Anonymous

As a Tiger fan living in Big 2, I mean Big 12 country I am constantly hearing about the under/overated arguments of teams and conferences...

the fact is we should shut up till it's all over with. In fact if fans from schools like Choklahoma would remember the past they would quietly await their championships to come instead of expecting them every year.

Remember 2003 when you had a heisman quarterback, and lost your Big 12 championship game to Kansas St.? You still got in to the Champ. game instead of USC. Did you argue for USC then????(Then got drilled physically by LSU, a team many of you said should be in the game just like you are this year.)

By the way LSU got screwed by the AP and they had a split Championship w/USC who beat a two loss Michigan and all we did was beat a team in the National title game that afterwards most agreed shouldn't have been there since they lost their Conference title game.

The next year in 2004, you were undeafeated and got to go get your tails handed to you by USC What was the score? It was so bad I won't even post it cause you may have already quit reading this since the past is always discarded when it doesn't contain a title for you.

Well that was the same year Aubern was undefeated, had Jason Campbell, Ronnie Brown, and Caddilac Williams in the backfeild.....

Did you argue that year that Auburn should have had a chance. Go tigers, hope you win. If not, i won't take the window flag off my car till you do good again, cause i don't ever fly it!

But here in big 12 country you see those flags when there is hope for a title. Then, usually at the same time as the leaves on trees they sudenly die and go away.

I feel better now and I am wondering why I even cared to write this??????

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