King of the Mountain West

Cranial rectal sydrome, explains why you cannot see what is obvious. Exclude college football's best conference The Mountain West so you can call yourselves good. The Mountain West is the best conference bar none! Ask Alabama? They haven't seen good that comes close to Utah since Utah. And given an opportunity to play TCU, Urban the lightheart opts out in favor of a Big Least patsy.

Your conference is a bunch of undisciplined fat boys living in the past. When you come west to play a few games in the Mountains, we will give you some props for at least the courage to try. Until then, enjoy yourselves in your junior high league and 1AA's you play.

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Dec 31, 2009
Mountain Who?
by: Anonymous

Mountain who? Is there a football league out there. I've heard of a Utah, and of coarse TCU, who after the Southwest conference blew up, Oh yea, they couldn't make the cut over Baylor to be the wipping dog of the Big 12 south. two lucky seasons doesn't make a football program. Urban Meyer knew it, that's why he bolted in a cloud of smoke for the SEC. OH yea, and 2 national titles. And as Bozo state proved, one big game (Oklahoma) doesn't make a year in and year out top program!! You can't compete week in and week out with the big boy's. Keep the electricty and cable bill paid. Then you can see how the men play ball!!!!
Hey at least you have a good view

Jan 01, 2010
We have to put up or shut up.
by: Anonymous

The King is right. Our conference non conference schedules are the weakest in the nation and until we go west and play we are just talkin not walkin. Oh and for whoever the anonymous moron was who commented to the King, Boise State is in the WAC and Baylor did not play a Mtn. West school this year. So, get your facts right or he will have to add stupid to larded up when describing the SEC.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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