Jared Carter and Mike Williams.

by UK Wildcat 50

I want to know why in the heck we have two boys over 7' tall and sitting on the bench?

If they are not good enough to play then why don't you get rid of them both. I am sick and tired of getting big men that aren't any good.

Please Billy do something with these guys -- as well as Michael Porter and Mark Coury. Get them off the court also.

Ukwildcat50 at aol.com

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Feb 18, 2008
3rd big man wanted: UK
by: Anonymous

Actually I think Jared Carter is a good player from what I've seen him play but dang the boy gets hurt every other day, he's been on the injured list so much they should just name it after him. I can't stand to watch Mark Coury he has no court awareness and looks like he is lost out there. Reminds me of Alleyne, everyone remembers what a mess that was. Patterson and Stephenson is one heck of a duo but they really need one more big wheel and it should be Carter but I'm just not sure if its ever gonna happen. He's a junior now I think and I've seen him play maybe 10 games?

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