How Many National Championships Does Alabama Have?

by SL
(B-ham, AL)

I am an Alabama Crimson Tide Fan and I am told every day by an Auburn Fan that the Tide has claimed championship titles that simply are not true. He states that Alabama shirts and fans bragg about the number of championship years/ winning years etc that are totaslly false. How can a college print false information on marketed shirts?

Can you provide me with a true historical record of the Alabama vs Auburn victories and championship years that are independantly documented by an impartial authority?

If not then please refer me to some agency that can help me settle this argument of truth or fiction.

Editor's Note:

Hello, I don't think you'll ever get a "straight" answer to your question. The problem is that before the BCS there was no established method of determining the national champion. and, of course, even with the BCS there is much controversy. But, before that, each poll could name their own champion and many years multiple polls named multiple teams. the problem you highlight is probably the #1 reason many want a playoff system in at the FBS level. I'll forward this to my stats guy to see if he can give you any better explanation.

Thanks for the question,

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Sep 24, 2010
Alabama National Championship List
by: Tex Noel

Season Actual NC 1876-1936
1925 Alabama
1926 Alabama
1930 Alabama
1934 Alabama
1936 Alabama

Season Rose Bowl Era 1900-1935
1925 Alabama
1926 Alabama
1930 Alabama
1934 Alabama

Season Actual Since 1936
1936 Alabama
1941 Alabama
1975 Alabama

Season Official Since 1936
1961 Alabama
1964 Alabama
1965 Alabama
1973 Alabama
1978 Alabama
1979 Alabama
1992 Alabama
2009 Alabama

Season Retro Champions
1945 Alabama


Season Actual Since 1936
1983 Auburn
1993 Auburn

Season Official Since 1936
1957 Auburn

Season Retro Champions
1913 Auburn


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