Good Discussion of Need for NCAA Football Playoff

Thank you for this forum.

Let me start off by saying i believe the SEC is from top to bottom the best conference. It is much harder to go undefeated or even have one loss in the SEC than any other conference.

That being said, there is no guarantee that the winner of the SEC is the best team in the country.
The only fair way to decide who is best is to have a playoff.

Thus i believe the discussion should switch from what conference is best to how we as fans can put pressure on the big wigs to scrap the bowl games and BCS for a comprehensive college playoff system.

I would personally support a national strike of the BCS championship game. In other words anyone who is against the BCS does not watch the BCS title game.

Hopefully, people much more creative than me can come with other ideas and post them on forums such as this to create a serious national discussion of ways to abandon the BCS.

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Nov 26, 2007
by: Anonymous

I agree that a playoff is necessary. I went to the University of Southern California, and an argument could be made for them peaking at the moment - much as the argument could be made for the University of Georgia, West Virginia University, the Univesity of Missouri, Ohio State, etc. We may even see USC v. UGA in a bowl game.

This season actually will make the administrators loathe to change - every week was like a playoff this year, with unprecedented interest and parity. While a playoff makes perfect sense in terms of finding the best team, it may not make the most financial sense. I see the wheels of change moving moving slowly.

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