Four Types of Above Ground Pool Equipment

Posted on: April 24, 2021

Are you shopping for an above-ground swimming pool? If so, the choice of equipment should be your prime consideration. The essential equipment pieces include skimmers, ladders, pumps, and filters, whose function is indispensable for keeping pools safe, sanitized, and filtered.

Four Types of Above Ground Pool Equipment

These items should be selected in accordance with the model and size of the pool. Also, the presence of a deck plays a major role in the decision-making process, especially in the case of ladders.

Have a look at the most popular types of above ground pool equipment necessary for year-round maintenance.


One of the most important types of above-ground pool equipment is the skimmers. Their role is to prevent contaminants and debris from reaching the bottom of the pool. The most common contaminants include leaves, sunscreen, and hair, all of which affect the function of the pump. These tools ensure the filtration system runs properly and keep the water circulating without any stagnation.

Moreover, there is a variety of available skimmers, such as built-in, manual, automatic, and robotic. Built-in skimmers are mainly found in models of larger size, attached to the plumbing system of the pool. They consist of a weir, basket, and lid, which perform different functions.

For instance, the weir is the component that prevents the debris from escaping. Conversely, the basket impedes contaminants from blocking the filter. The lid acts as a sort of a cover, impeding objects from falling into the pump.

Furthermore, manual skimmers use no power to perform their function. The basket is actually a net attached to a pole, which the user moves around in order to collect rubbish. While these are effective for the removal of debris, manual skimmers can do little for improving water circulation. Click here to learn how to remove fine dust, sand, and sediment from a pool.

As far as automatic skimmers are concerned, these are connected to the filtration system. These skimmers are equipped with paddles, which move the tool on the surface for the purpose of sucking water and contaminants. Robotic skimmers, on the other hand, use either solar energy or battery to operate, which makes them incredibly energy-efficient.

Four Types of Above Ground Pool Equipment


Another prominent type of above-ground pool equipment is the ladders. There are different ladder variants, such as A-frame, deck ladders, and entry systems. For example, A-frame ladders are the most preferred variant, with equal sides both inside and outside the pool. Unless you have a deck, an A-frame ladder would be the most affordable and effective solution for going inside.

Deck ladders, on the other hand, are suitable for models surrounded by a deck. These ladders must be secured to the deck in order to be functional. Another solution you can use with a deck is the entry system, available in multiple colors, weight limits, and designs. These systems feature a couple of steps on the inside or the outside of pools.


Above ground swimming pools would be unsanitary if it wasn’t for pumps. These devices make sure water is carried to the chlorinator and filter in order to be adequately sanitized and filtered. Follow this link,, for some tips on installing and operating an efficient pump.

Furthermore, individuals can choose from single-speed and dual-speed pumps. The former have just one speed, switched on and off automatically. These can be operated with the help of a timer system. In contrast, dual-speed pumps offer another lower speed, which is excellent for regions where electricity costs are high. In terms of power, make sure you select a model with either 1.5 or 2hp, of which the latter is naturally more powerful.


Filters are of essential importance for the cleanliness of the water, available in three types. Users can choose between sand filters, cartridge filters, and Diatomaceous Earth (DE) filters. For example, sand filters use special sand to remove contaminants, whose size ranges between twenty and thirty microns. These filters require occasional backwashing so as to operate normally.

Cartridge filters are considered among the most popular solutions for above-ground pools. These can filter contaminants between five and twenty microns in size. They are low maintenance, as you just need to remove the cartridge and wash it before putting it back inside.

Ultimately, diatomaceous earth filters are believed to provide the clearest water, as these eliminate contaminants between three and five microns in size. Period backwashing is necessary to keep their function optimal. Such cleaning is recommended when the operating pressure exceeds ten psi. An increase in pressure is an indicator of dirt blocking the filter.

The bottom line

An above-ground pool is a costly investment.

Make sure the equipment you select provides optimal maintenance, safety, and cleanliness.

It will help you enjoy the hot summer days to the fullest without worrying about safety or getting an infection!


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Four Types of Above Ground Pool Equipment to SEC Sports Blog

By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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