Dressing Your Dog As An SEC Mascott

by Nicole

Although SEC football fans are a diverse group, there is one thing they all have in common. They all love showing their team spirit. SEC football fans take great pride in showing how much they love their favorite team. They dress in school colors, and paint their faces.

Some fans even decorate their house with their team's memorabilia. When you go to your team's game, it can be hard to stand out. However, you can show how much you love your favorite SEC team by dressing up your dog.

If you own a bulldog, it is certainly easy to dress up your dog as the Mississippi State University mascot or the University of Georgia mascot. For Mississippi State, just get a maroon and white shirt for your dog and the costume is complete. University of Georgia fans just need a red and black shirt.

For Florida fans, you could either put your pooch in an orange shirt or try to dress him up as an alligator. If you are crafty, you could sew your own alligator costume. You could also buy an alligator costume online. Look for a pet Halloween costume, and then add some Florida flair to the generic alligator outfit. If you do take your pooch out in an elaborate costume, make sure he does not get overheated. A dog in a costume should get plenty of water, and time in the shade.

University of Kentucky fans have a bit of a challenge. They need to dress their dog up as a cat. Make a cap for your dog that will give your dog pointy cat ears, so he can look more like a Kentucky wildcat. Then, dress your dog in a white and blue shirt to complete the look.

University of Alabama fans can have fun dressing their dog up as Big Al the elephant. Dog elephant costumes are available. You can make these costumes more team specific by adding team colors.

These are just a few ideas.

Feel free to let your imagination run wild when you plan your pet's costume. If you do not want to do an elaborate costume, look for pet leashes and collars in your team's colors.
Consider getting your dog a chew toy that resembles the mascot of a hated rival, just for fun. Whether you dress your dog in a full costume or just give your pet a hint of team spirit, you are sure to impress your fellow fans.

From Nicole and your friends at Chazhound, the dog bed store; find cool dog toys.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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