Don't get SEC Fan Support of Conference. Who Cares?

by GK
(Kansas City)

Not sure I really get the SEC fan's absolute fascination with the 'conference' as opposed to their individual team. We in the Big 12 rarely 'root' for other Big 12 teams...we spend enough time beating on each other to 'want' them to win to lift the conference. Last time i checked the conference doesn't win anything...the teams do.

But in the effort to have some fun. Have a look at this list of the top 10 WEAKEST Non-Con schedules over the last 10 years. Looks like 5 of the top 10 are SEC teams. Only 2 Big 12 and they are KU and OSU, who haven't been all that good over the 10 years.

Weakest Non-Conference Schedules.

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Aug 23, 2010
Its The South
by: OU Fan

I am an OU fan but lived in Alabama for six years. To answer your question,its really simple. Its the South. The South has a sense of identity that other regions don't really have, for obvious reasons. It dates all the way back to the Civil War when the South was literally its own country and had to literally fight the rest of the country for it. In music, in casual conversation, in writings, people in the South speak of things "Southern". Its probably less today than say 40 years ago. But its still there!

SEC football has become the representation of Southern pride. They tend to have as internal bitter rivalries as anyone else (UT/Bama). But once the South plays outside the conference, they are all together against everyone else. There is not really that sense of shared identity between Oklahoma and Nebraska because there was never any reason to be other than just two states of the Union.

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