Do you know anyone who would have a 1947-48 Intercollegiate football annual?

by Laura Young
(Tumwater WA)

A patron is looking for an article he believes was in the "Intercollegiate football annual" covering the 1947 season. Highlighted in the article is a record-setting 95-yard run he made in a season opener on Sept. 21, 1947 between University of Portland (OR) and St. Mary's (CA).

This was supposedly the longest play for a touchdown at that time, which was noted in the Guinness Book of Sports Records (1997). I don't know if it was a national intercollegiate record or a record for the division.

Jack Ford, now in his 80s, is looking for an article which he believes was in the annual that talks about the record. We have an article from the University of Portland newspaper of the time, the Beacon, with the recap of the game.

As a librarian, not a football statistician, I'm not sure what the term for the record would be as it was a pass-run combination that led to the 95 yard score by Jack Ford, a running back for University of Portland. If you have any ideas where I could track down a copy of the article or the periodical for my patron, I would appreciate your help.

Thank you,
Laura Young
Reference Librarian
Timberland Regional Library

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