College Football Playoffs Will Not Work

Playoff does not work and will never be instituted due to monetary concerns for every bowl organization out there.

No one is gonna go to the first two rounds of playoff games because they're gonna want to save their money for their team potentially going to NC game.

The men's basketball, Div 2 and 3 football and any other sports in NCAA know that this is what happened to them also.

I went to an NCAA men's BB elite 8 game and the place was maybe half-full, there is no money in playoffs besides just the NC game.

Not only that but it completely cheapens the regular season games. I imagine if this year in a 12 team scenario a 3 loss team wins NC who was never remotely considered that good all season like Illinois.

No system is even close to perfect. And don't forget these kids don't get paid if they get hurt like NFL, and injury chances multiply with more games especially in the cold of Dec.


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Jan 08, 2008
Did you eat a bowl full of stupid?
by: Cain Dove

An NCAA Playoff will NOT make money? Are you insane? Who cares about NCAA men's BB elite 8 game? We are talking about College FOOTBALL! (not to mention..... I really doubt that the elite 8 game was half empty)

Fans wouldn't go to the first couple of rounds?
I am an Alabama Crimson Tide fan and regardless of what round they were in ....... I WOULD GO! I think that any other SEC fan would go! How else can you explain 92,000 fans showing up for a scrimage? How do you explain selling out Bryant Denny when playing Western Carolina? See BAMA fans, as well as most SEC fans, are going to be there no matter what!

A three loss team doesn't deserve the National Championship? You know what if you go undefeated and can't bring it when it counts then you DO NOT deserve it, but if you have lost three games, and Kick BUTT when it counts.......Congrats!!! YOU DESERVE IT! A three loss team doesn't deserve it? Then I guess LSU shouldn't be the National Champs this year! The team with the best regular season record did'nt win that one did they? Besides the three loss team like Illinois is NOT going to make it all the way. They could not even beat USC! (Even Stanford did that)

Oh and give me a break about the sob story with the poor kids! You could care less and you know it! Besides those poor kids are playing their hearts out to get to the NFL and get paid. Heck that's what makes college football so GREAT!

Playoffs May NOT happen, but it will be because of university presidents who CLAIM to give a rip about these "poor kids".

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