College Football Championship Stats: Things Are Clearer Out West

by Kelley

It's amazing how many of these stats are so skewed. To claim SHARED National Titles in an argument for who has the most is ridiculous - USC has far more than reported by the list above in that measure, as does your favorite team to bash on, the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Additionally, a trip to, the preeminent college football database, will show clearly that the SEC has exactly ZERO of the top 5 all-time winningest teams (the Big 10 and Big 12 each have 2). There may be 5 in the top 15, but #6(tie) and #8 don't look quite as impressive as #1 and #5 for the Big 10. Things look even more bleak when you sort by the last 50 years only...

Also, the Big 10, ACC, and Big East all have to play bowls OUTSIDE OF THEIR BACKYARDS, something the SEC isn't too fond of doing even in the regular season. Congratulations on having a great bowl record - I'm sure the Big 10 would, too, if the Rose Bowl were played in Madison, Wisconsin. Objectivity would breed far more readable material than this southern chest-beating.

Editor's Note: Thanks Kelley for your comments. We welcome all information here. I'll stand by our stats. If you check out some of the prior submissions you'll see that similar questions have been raised, and answered/explained already.

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