Coach Urban Meyer and Ronnie Wilson

by Michael Murkin
(Tampa, Florida)

Mr. Meyer,

I have followed you since the Bowling Green Days. I was always intrigued by your Offense and when i listend to you speak i could tell you were Real and had a lot solid character.

When you got to florida i was never a Florida fan, but became a Fan because of you. I'm from Missouri so i'm a Tiger fan at heart. I currently reside in Tampa, Florida.

When you were hired here in Flordia most of my friends had no idea who you were and i explained to them the person you were. I told them to believe in you because of your resume, but most of all because of your character.

I haven't been following the off field action as much this year as in the past, but have recently read and heard about a couple of situations that have occured with you players that was disturbing to me and many others. The free gas situation it which the player was let go from the team was of course a reflection of the person you are and very much expected.

This Ronnie Wilson issue has really changed my opion of you and i'm so diappointed. For you to let this person back on to your team NO MATTER HOW GOOD HE IS is a very negative reflection on YOU and what you stand for. I am stunned that you would allow this to happen.

I can say that i can no longer cheer for the Gators, which SUCKS, because i have always believed in you and what you stood for. I'm no one important just a true college football fan and i thought a pretty good judge of character, but i may have been wrong here.

I would love to hear back from you just for my peace of mind. I will miss going to the SWAMP, that place is amazing!!

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