Classic Football Score Reporting

by Fred B. Wrixon
(Martins Ferry, OH )

Dear SEC Sports Fan Site:

A free-lance writer, I am researching pre-radio sports reporting for a developing book about unusual communications methods. I found your site's Net address accompanying the words, "Grid-Graph Enlightens College Football Fans."

However, I was unable to bring up any more text details and a photo or art image of the scoreboard /mechanism. I am especially interested in how the invention worked, its inventor and similar linked facts.

Please inform me about your per-hour search charges and the fee for hardcopy or Net-sent information. If hardcopy has a better rate, I'll send my postal details and first-class postage.

Thank you for your help!

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Aug 31, 2012
Please Contact Tex
by: Tex Noel

Fred, thank you for your question and interest in early scoring. I will have to look for the info and see what I have.

Please contact me personally so I can, if I find anything, directly send it to you.

With your expressed interest in college football history, I'd like to recomend a complimentary subscription to IFRA's The College
Football Historian. If you sign up for it, then I'll be able to contact you by e-mail. Here's the link:

Thanks; looking to hear from you.

Tex Noel, IFRA

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