Chuck Rohe Website

by Mo Johnson
(Montclair, VA)

I stumbled across (well, actually bumped into someone at the grocery store who told me about) a great website! It's all about Chuck Rohe, who coached the University of Tennessee Track & Field and Cross Country programs from the fall of 1962 - Spring 1971. It also includes the athletes recruited by Rohe who were freshman in 1971-1972.

In 1962 the University of Tennessee hired a young track coach, Chuck Rohe. The next nine years, along with the Stan Huntsman era to follow, began the most successful era of SEC track & field and cross-country dominance in the school's history.

Indeed, Rohe was head coach for 21 SEC Track and Field and/or Cross Country championship teams in those years. Amazing!

So, check out the website that's dedicated to Chuck by his UT athletes of that era

Chuck Rohe Website

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Jun 29, 2014
VOLs t&f
by: George Stuart

I would like to hear a genuine track coach's thoughts on the
immediate future of UT T&F team. Many thanks to you, Stan Huntsman, Owen Self and the ground floor pioneers of the
best at TN.

Aug 23, 2016
T&F hope
by: Anonymous

Thanks MO, for helping restore the Vol T&F glory days. Vols do not "live by football alone", only their bank statement does. My Coaching son reminds me often of Huntsman, Billy Maxwell, Rohe, Owen Self, legends all.(mentioned son is now at SoMiss U.)
At last U.T. might be a threat in T&F again. Since the ill adjusted and misfit AD has left with tail properly placed between
the rear legs. Vol T&F can't survive with a boxcar load of mid West newspaper material. A serious and dedicated Coach with agenda can be had - quickly. J.J. must be enjoying it all now. Look around, U.T. -- past Ala.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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