Biggest Joke Ever!!

by Chris Flener
(Newburgh, Indiana)

Wow, no questions from me on how you came up with this page. It is quite possibly the most idiotic site I've ever seen.

You are obviously a fan of a Big East team. You have construed wins in such a way to make a much weaker conference seem to be the best. The Big East does not have the best winning percentage. The teams who now make up the Big East might, but the conference itself does not.

The total wins are a joke too. 16 teams in the conference will always outweigh the others...over time. However, you are adding history of teams that have only been there for a few years. This distorts the statistics so much it makes this entire site a complete joke!

Your paragraph stating how you compiled it is just as funny. "For our purposes"...that's exactly right, it's not accurate, it's just for your own purposes.

If you are going to put statistics on the internet about the conferences, at least do a bit of research about the game and the topic you are about to discuss.


Editor's Note Chris -- thanks a lot for the submission. It goes a long way in proving the impartiality of this site. I am not a Big East fan; rather an SEC fan. Really surprised you didn't pick up on that. But, gratified as it goes to support our impartiality. Irregardless, as you note, Big East teams "might" have the best record; not the conference. I don't understand what you are saying. A conference is composed of its teams. Therefore, if the teams have the best overall record, so does the conference. I guess you are simply opposed to our giving numbers based on current conference affiliation as opposed to historical. I can understand that, but I think we adequately explain why we do it that way and it's nothing to get too upset about.

If you'd like to post the historical affiliation numbers, please, feel free to do the research, come back and post them. We'll be happy to host those numbers on the site.

Thanks again for your submission.


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Jan 07, 2008
Texas over Kansas in all time wins?
by: Anonymous

I recently watched a game (December 2007) where CBS showed Kentucky, UNC, and Kansas as the top 3 programs in all time wins. You claim Texas to be ahead of Kansas. What source did you use?

Editor's Note -- thanks for the note! We've corrected it. Kansas does have the top all-time basketball record in the Big 12 with 1906 wins coming into the 2007-2008 season.

Dec 26, 2009
"based on current conference affiliation "
by: Dave

Very well laid out statistics, enjoyed it. You got me with that first page yank (leaving BE out of the possibilities list), well done. Good chuckle.

It's hilarious the homer responses you got, but the negative noise doesn't represent most people I'm sure.

Homer repliers:
"Based on current conference affiliation" is the same thing as "how it is now". It's ok to use previous conference affiliation data, as long as it's clarified from the outset. In other words, either we're talking about how it is right now, or how it used to be. And the author clearly stated he was talking about how it is now.

Or do you always barge into conversations and get in someone's face for not talking about a topic the way *you* want to talk about them?

Lighten up, Francis!

I didn't notice the date of publication anywhere, can you let us know what is the latest effective date of the date used?

Mar 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

Some people seem to get confused by the facts. The Big East has been and will go down in history as the best basketball conference ever. It's not even close.

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