Big Ten Last?

by Andrew

Ok, now this is crazy. I try to be objective here, but as of December 28th's poll, the Big Ten has 5 in the top 25 (4, 11, 15, 23, 25).

If we're talking about history, the Big Ten has more Final Four appearances of any conference, including the much beloved ACC. Of the top 13 teams in terms of Tournament winning percentages, four of them are Big Ten teams (Michigan State, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio State). Of the top 9 teams in terms of title games reached, the Big Ten has a 3 (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio State). The single best Final Four winning % (at least 5 games) is held by Indiana at .846 (11-2). The Big Ten is ranked #1 in number of times two teams played in the final four, tied for 2nd in number of times with four teams in the Sweet Sixteen, and tied for second in number of times three teams made the Elite Eight. Since 1980, the Big Ten has had more team appearances in the Final Four than any other conference -- 13 times.

How on earth can a conference with 20% of the top 25 be ranked #6 among the major conferences right now? With all due respect, other than ACC (basically little history outside of the Big Two though), the Big Ten inarguably has more history of success and historical depth than any other conference in the country in basketball (the Pac-Ten doesn't count as the only team that ever amounted to anything was UCLA, the greatest college basketball dynasty ever no doubt). The numbers don't lie.

I believe I've been respectful and stuck to the facts. Let's keep the discussion going! =)

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Jan 03, 2010
Great Post
by: Mo Johnson

Thanks Andrew. You make some great points. And, you are right too. I'm moving the Big Ten up to #4. I still think you've gotta admit the ACC and Big East are the 2, overall, "best" basketball conferences now. And, it's tough to move the Big 12 down right now given they have 2 of the top 3 teams in the country.

But, after that, oh yea, it's gotta be the Big Ten. Off to fix it.

Thanks again, and post here anytime.


Jan 06, 2010
Read this thread
by: Anonymous

The Big 10 is 3-5 against the SEC this year. Is this is a history contest or a description of the current state of basketball conferences?

Wisconsin has some great wins and lost to Wisconsin Green Bay. Michigan State has some nice wins, and lost to Florida. Purdue is undefeated and has lots of great wins including against TN and West Virginia.

Other than that???? Without Evan Turner, Ohio State sucks. Minnesota will probably make the tournament. Northwestern is a paper tiger and they will have 4 more losses by February.

The Big 10 is definitely not as good as the SEC in basketball this year. Not as many quality wins out of conference, not as many teams going to the NCAA and just not as talented.

Jan 09, 2010
Re: Great Post
by: Anonymous

Thanks! I wholeheartedly agree that the Big Ten should not be #1 or #2, but with the article seeming to give conference history as bonus points in ranking, I thought I'd point out history as well. =)


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