Big Ten is Pee-Wee League

I don't know why everyone is picking about academics and stereotypes. This argument is about football and overall the big 10 blows and the SEC dominates.

Iowa Hawkeyes- no one has even ever heard of you guys, go home. Ohio State Buckeyes- you guys might do well in your own conference but in the SEC you'd be a joke, im an LSU fan and my last memory of ohio state was kicking their ass for a bcs championship. Michigan- haha not even worth mentioning.

SEC is on such a higher level than the big 10 its almost a different game. We hit harder, run faster, and jump higher. So take your yankee doodle dandy asses back to your pee-wee league.

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Jan 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

why talk about academics? wait, this is COLLEGE sports we are talking about, right? Maybe look up the definition of "college".

Never heard of the Hawkeyes?

They only dominate the truly toughest sport on the planet, and prepare many for the olympics. (and some become the best fighters in the world)

Jan 09, 2011
Hard to refute this brilliant mind but i'll try.
by: Troy Iowa

How long have you been following college football?
Never heard of the Iowa Hawkeyes? Do you remember the Hawkeyes beating LSU in the 2005 Capitol One bowl. Its really hard to debate you on your post since you backed up your position with so many facts like you hit harder you run faster and jump higher. Gee you must have spent hours researching that (did someone read that too you?). By the way since the inception of the BCS Iowa is 3 and 1 in bowl games against the SEC. If I were you I wouldnt mention Michigan either since they are 5 and 2 vs the SEC in bowl games. I beleive the the SEC does lead the Big Ten in head to head bowl games 18 to 17 since the begining of the BCS that certainly is head and shoulders above the rest, and LSU is 2 and 2 vs the Big Ten. You are absolutely a mental giant with a vast knowledge of college football. (you musta got yoor skoolin at lsu) and majored in rocket science and statistics. Ive debated second graders that had a better fact based argument than yours. We hit harder and run faster hahahahahahahaha

Jan 10, 2011
Another mental giant from SEC country
by: Anonymous

You are right Troy, not many geniuses from our friends in the south. Nobody heard of Iowa? Ohio State would get their ass kicked in the SEC? He must have missed the Sugar bowl, where the speed and athleticism of Ohio State showed in dramatic fashion against Arkansas. Yes, they got sloppy on offense in the 2nd half and let Ark back in it, but it was evident from the start that this was a mis-match. This guy does not even realize that the Big 10 has an overall winning record against the SEC either I bet.

Jan 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Well first all i have to say is that ohio state triples the national championships that LSU has and it really isnt a fair game if ohio state has to play LSU in their home stadium. Ohio state could of won too if the SEC didnt control anything in the college football system which made LSU (11-2) go against ohio state(11-1) at their hometown which seems pretty setup or fraud to me because their were two undefeated teams we could of went agaisnt but they put LSU probably the first two lost school go and play for the national championship

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