Big East Easily the Best March Madness Conference

by Bob
(Orlando, FL)

When you mention the top Conference in March Madness, to me it means the conference that sends the most teams to the dance and/or the conference that has the most teams in the Sweet 16. That, to me, is the definition.

You listen to the "stuck on himself" Colin Cowherd on ESPN radio and he claims it is the conference with the most teams in the Final 4. WRONG!!! That's just because he wants to BASH the Big East.

To me, the conference with the most teams in the tournament and/or the conference with the most teams in the Sweet 16 REPRESENTS the best "CONFERENCE".

Once you get further than that, they you are talking about the best "PROGRAMS". And, that is when teams like North Carolina and Duke thrive.

But as a whole, NO conference can compete with the depth that the Big East brings to the table year in and year out. It's just not close.

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