Bear Bryant Not a Deity

by david
(huntsville, alabama)

Bear Bryant was not what he is proported to be. He was an opportunist. He would break NCAA rules and get away with it better than any other coach and this explains his success. College football changed major rules and practices just because of him. The heavy enforcement of personal foul rules, limits on scholarships and how national champions were determined were all changed because of his (bad) practices. His so-called 6 national championships are mostly uncalled for. Each one is mired in controversy and NONE of them are clearcut.

A good case can be made that NONE of them are true championships. In 1961 and 1979 the schedule was so weak that it is a joke amongst those in the know. 1964 was handed out before the bowl and the bowl was lost. 1965 was given to a 9-1-1 bama team by the AP when there were undefeated teams elsewhere. In 1973, bama lost a head to head Sugar Bowl appearance against Notre Dame yet still claims the championship. In 1978 bama lost a head to head matchup with USC who was the "co-champion".

The man was roundly hated by most players that went through the bama program. He lied to 11 out of 12 boys who signed up and they never played. They were recruited solely to keep them from playing elsewhere and were benched as he had planned.

Bear Bryant was given a blank check by the Governor and State of Alabama and he used these riches to keep himself off probation while simultaneously putting Auburn and other programs on probation. In short he wasn't a great coach. He was a good coach who had all the players and all the money.

Editor's Note:Hmmm, interesting perspective. I really do appreciate unique comments like these. However, your viewpoint doesn't "jive" with others I've heard from. For instance, check out Bear Bryant Story. That story is an exclusive to this site and is from Bobby Cannon who played for Bear Bryant.

Of course, we welcome any informed opinions on this subject. Thanks.


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Mar 26, 2008
Bear Bryant
by: dtward

Must be a Auburn fan, they can't stand Coach Bryant because they never had any body come close to him. Jealousy!!!!!!!!. John McKay former coach at USC said Coach Bryant was not one of the coach's he was THE COACH.

Oct 22, 2008
Hit the nail on the head
by: TJ

I would love to see Bryant coach with the same parity we have today. He was one of those who loved to belittle the weak and took great pride in beating weaker opponets even if it meant causing other programs off the field problems. Alabama fans cherish this drunkard and womanizer. But the class still shows today, I went to the 2008 Kentucky vs. Al game and when the game was over I was walking to my car (with my wife) when this man close to 70 saw the referee's van being escorted from the stadium and he ran into the road and giving them the finger and shouting profanity at them because Alabama played an aweful game, I guess someone that age had to learn this kind of stuff from THE COACH.

Sep 18, 2009
That dang Bear
by: Chris

If you can't beat 'em criticize them. You other posters that made comments obviously are drinking much more than the Bear did to make such ludicrous statements.
The Bear apparently pulled the wool over everyones eyes, they even named the Coach of the year trophy after him.
How can so many people be made fools of by one man.
This Coach Bryant guy must be a bigger legend than even I imagined, with his ability to treat everyone so terrible, and to still be so well thought of by 99% of the people that really knew him and understood how much he did for not only college football, but for peoples lives.

Jun 18, 2010
Chick Graning wants his jaw back
by: Anonymous

... and his playing career. Unfortunately, Bryant never even suspended Holt. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

Jun 18, 2010
Get real
by: Sharecropper

Whoa. Whatever your problem is, at least make an effort at objectivity. Yes, the Bear cheated. He may have been a scumbag, and defending Holt's cheap hit on Chick Graning was unforgivable, even if sticking up for his players. Yep, he stockpiled players to keep them from other programs before releasing them when it was too late to go elsewhere. At the time it must be pointed out, that was within what passed for rules. But: a) the record is clear he was a hell of a coach and b) most of his players came to love him to death, even the Junction Boys.

And he probably was right when he said that if he could prepare a team during the week, and Bobby Dodd could coach them on Saturday, "We'd never lose."

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