Are the Tennessee Vols Cheaters?

by Mark
(Dumfries )


I am writing to the manager of the SEC Sports Fan site. I recently read in my local paper, The Potomac News, that the Tennessee Volunteers Basketball and Football teams have been found guilty of NCAA violations. Does this mean that the Volunteers name should be officially changed to "CHEATERS"?

I distinctly remember a Redskin fan calling Packers "Cheaters" when they were charged with an extraordinary large number of penalties in a game and a conspiracy to keep them out of the playoffs by having them lose to an inferior team. If this theory of yours holds true, then I believe that you really support Cheaters and that your true belief is that Cheaters can be winners!

If all of the above is true, I am sure that I could cheat my way to beating you in Tennis(i.e. calling the ball out when it is in), another sport that I do not believe you cover enough on your website. It's not all about Football and Baseball. I think you are following the money, another theory I will explore later!

Your Potential SEC Sports Fan,


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Mar 03, 2011
You Misunderstand the Situation
by: Mo Johnson

Hi Mark, thank you for your comments and concern. However, I think you misunderstand the nature of the various issues you raise.

First, Tennessee has NOT been found guilty of anything. Rather, the NCAA has conducted an investigation and made some preliminary determinations. Those determinations are now going through and appellate review process and we'll just have to wait and see how it all comes out. I'm sure if Tennessee made any mistakes (inadvertent or otherwise) -- appropriate corrective action will be taken. So, all of that is much tadoo about nothing.

As for the Packers cheating that we witnessed together -- that's an entirely different situation. The Packers were caught red-handed conducting numerous acts of cheating -- the judges on the field at the time witnessed the cheating and threw the appropriate penalty flag. Any and all appeals were exhausted at the time and a FINAL judgment was rendered and the appropriate punishment assessed. Justice was done and the Redskins BEAT the Super Bowl Champion Packers on the field. (After that game, the Redskins had little more to play for in 2010 and took the rest of the season off, but that's another story.)

I hope you can see the distinction between the two cases.

I share your confidence in your ability to cheat your way to victory in Tennis. Indeed, we've seen that before. You'll recall the now infamous match where you admitted that your ball was out and I would have gone up 4-0 (or maybe it was 5-0) in a crucial set; yet you shamelessly allowed the incorrect call to stand. That was a sad moment in tennis history.

Nevertheless, I stand ready to meet you on the court, any time, any place.


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