Are All Fans of SEC Schools Also Conference Fans?

Are there any fans of individual sec schools that do not consider themselves sec fans?

For example, Iowa is my school. But I don't consider myself a buckeyes fan, nor do I get to worked up when other big ten schools lose. I like my Hawkeyes and after that I just enjoy some good games.

I have to admit, being a fan of the entire conference seems kinda gay. I understand you want your conference to do well but come on.....The whole "we're the salt of the earth" $#!!! is getting really old.

You have the home field advantage in almost every bowl game. But look out cause guess what, not this year for the game that counts is the deck stacked in your favor.

Go Ducks!

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Jan 09, 2011
by: James Brooks

Simple answer - YES

Jan 11, 2011
Fans of SEC
by: Anonymous

The reason why many people from different schools support the entire SEC, is the crucible that the SEC has to go through just to get to the title game. It took 7 years from the time the ACC actually "had" a conference, adding VT, BC and Miami, for Florida State to beat Florida. Playing football in powderpuff conferences only enables the team to be fresh during the bowl games. Florida State, before the ACC was a "real" conference didn't play anyone until Florida at the end of the year and won a game vs a beat up team. Now, ACC teams have to play every game to make it to the big show, players get hurt and they have to continue the schedule. The ACC or SEC is not like the BS conferences like the Mountain West or the Pac-10 just to name a few. Need I point out Hawaii vs Georgia in the Sugar Bowl? Must I point out Boise State going against popular opinion and not joining the Pac-10 (not to mention Nevada)? Joke conference shouldn't even be considered for a BCS Bowl. Pac-10, get a life. Big East, stick to basketball...If you want to play some football, come to the ACC or SEC. Oh yeah...GO SEC (Apparently over the last 10 years the conference has done something right).

Jan 11, 2011
not so fast
by: Anonymous

the best pac 10 team (oregon) vs the best sec team (auburn) looked very evenly matched. And Oregon stopped Cam Newton, something no other team could do.

Ya, they won by a feild goal, but you cant say the pac 10 cant hang with the sec, they just did with your best of the best.

To say thay other conferences dont get banged up? its still to men smashing into each other for the same period of time, so I don't buy that.

auburn also showed why the sec is dirty, kneeing an oregon player in the head and rubbing james face in the ground. real class act!

Jan 11, 2011
This is Why the Sec is the best..
by: Jase

I'm a Vols fan.. But come gameday, whenever an sec school is right there, in the championship game, for that brief moment im all SEC. All SEC schools have a certain respect for one another just doesnt exist in most other conferences. When florida (one of our biggest rivals) won in 06 (i think?), their players gloated... not as much on how great they are, or how crappy the team they faced was.. but how SEC was number one. From that point, as long as an SEC school made it, I was content, and i watched. And one day, when UT gets it chance to represent the SEC again, we will have more footing, because us before, and every other SEC team that got its chance to prove itself did just that. Oh.. did i mention that the SEC has never lost in a BCS championship game? Ever? enuff said.

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