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Appointed Conference Games

After going through the long, hot summers of two-a-day practices and all the work and effort put forth in the preceeding months, it was worth it--as a team wins its respective conference championship.

Many times a conference game has been moved up (or down) on the schedule--for a match-up of two rivals playing in front of America with a prime-time game on the tube.

While researching for the next SEC Football StatHistory, I found in the book simply titled, "SEC" (published before the 1979 season), what was called "Appointed Conference Games [page 229]."

Over the course of six seasons: 1954-58-65-66-67-68 and 16 games, members of the Southeastern Conference played such "appointed conference games" -- that were counted as conference games.

From the book: "While the SEC rule requiring six football games with member schools was in effect some 16 games with outside schools were appointed to serve as conference games to avoid a violation for the members. The rule was negated in 1969."

While above statement provided the bases for the "Appointed Conference Games," I wanted to know why -- wouldn't you?

So, I e-mailed my friend Bo Carter, now with the National Football Foundation, who used to work first as assistant and then SID at Mississippi State, between 1974-85. (And proud graduate of Vanderbilt.)

His returned e-mail said: "The appointed games occurred when the ACC broke from the Southern Conference in the 1950s and caused broken contracts (because of scheduling of additional ACC games) and later when Georgia Tech and Tulane left the SEC in 1966."

Below, 1st-N-Goal will list the SEC's "Appointed Conference Games" by seasons and scores (SEC team's tally is listed first); then its conference record and finish for that season.

  • 1954 Ole Miss vs Arkansas, 0-6 (5-1-0; conference champs)
  • 1958 Ole Miss vs Houston, 56-7 (4-2-0; 3rd)
  • 1965 Georgia vs Clemson, 23-9 (3-3-0; tied for 6th)
  • Tennessee vs Clemson, 24-3 (3-1-2; tied for 3rd)

  • 1966 Florida vs Tulane, 31-10 (5-1-0; 3rd)
  • Georgia vs North Carolina (6-0-0; co-champions)
    LSU vs Tulane, 21-7 (3-3-0; 6th)
    Tennessee vs South Carolina, 29-17 (4-2-0; 5th)
    Vanderbilt vs Tulane, 12-13 (0-6-0; 9th tied for last)

  • 1967 Georgia vs Clemson, 24-17 (4-2-0; tied for 3rd)
  • Vanderbilt vs Tulane, 12-13 (0-6-0; 9th tied for last)

  • 1968 Florida vs Tulane, 24-3 (3-2-1; tied 6th)
  • LSU vs TCU, 10-7 (4-2-0; tied for 3rd)
    LSU vs Tulane, 34-10 (4-2-0; tied for 3rd)
    Mississippi State vs Texas Tech, 28-28 (0-4-2, 9th)
    Vanderbilt vs Tulane, 21-7 (2-3-1; 8th)


As a very, very early sneak preview...here's something new I'm working on. Before the 2008 season kickoff I will list each SEC team and its W-L-T and Offensive and Defensive Scoring Averages vs the major conferences since 1933. but before then, keep coming back to SEC StatHistory and learn more of your favorite teams.

Soon, I'll also look back on how, historically, the SEC Conference National Champions compare with other No. 1's and also a statistical look on Tim Tebow's statistics vs other Heisman Trophy winners.

If you have an idea for SEC Football StatHistory use the form below and send it to me and you might see your idea in a future edition...and I will credit you with the idea.

From Appointed Conference Games to SEC Football Statistics

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