by Bill
(Snoq Wa)

Best D in years! Played 3 top 10 teams. Gave up 68 rushing yards per game, 9 pts per game. Starters rarely played 3 qtrs! Led by best D lineman in history, Steve Entamn.

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Jan 08, 2011
Best Team in Football History
by: Blackhorizon

This Team was so good, they dominated all that season. Beat #9 nebraska in lincoln after trailing 6-14 at halftime, they beat 3 top tens that season and most of the points scored on them was on the second team in the 4th quarter, even the michigan game wansnt even close they just stomped everyone, 11 guys from this team went pro the next season, and many more including mark brunell and hobert went the following seasons.
91 huskies may have had the best modern defense in the history of defense, its a shame we will never see the miami UW game of 91, all we can go by is that in 94' there was a wammie in miami.

Dec 03, 2012
UW Huskies
by: TeddyD

I agree. The 91 Washington Husky defense was unbelievable. Even Bo Schembecler stated during the 92 Rose Bowl that he had "Never seen anything like it". And Bo knows! Best D of all time. Miami would have been crushed just like everybody else.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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